Archive for the 'New Students' Category

Dec 27 2012

UX Site Reviews: Which Review Type? How Long?

“Clients under business pressure often have aggressive deadlines and expect the most useful results in the shortest possible time, so deciding how long to spend on a review is crucial. For UX reviews, the 80:20 rule generally applies: 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. This is the best approach in most cases, as it helps UX reviews quickly identify the few vital issues that make the biggest difference in terms of results.  So let’s look at the three types of review, their uses, and how long to take for each.”

Read the full article at UX Magazine.

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Oct 25 2012

Recipe for Increasing your Writing Productivity

“Pomodoro technique is a time management technique developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s and is quite effective in increasing work productivity. I’ve experimented with the Pomodoro technique and have received extremely positive results in increasing my own writing productivity.

As other timeboxing techniques of time management, the Pomodoro technique utilizes an indivisible 25-minutes block of time to perform a task. Once the task is done then it is recorded adding to a sense of accomplishment. A lot of software programmers have adopted this technique in writing code for a module.”

Read the full article at Technical Writing Toolbox.

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Oct 09 2012

Accessibility Lecture on 10/10 at 7:30 in Smith 122

UPDATE: Thank you to all who attended and, especially, to our wonderful presenters from Perkins. If you weren’t able to make it, you can view the recording in your browser (it runs about 90 minutes).


“Accessibility in a Not-So-Accessible World” - Wed., 10/10 at 7:30 PM in Smith 122 or online

Presented by Perkins School for the Blind representatives - Kim Charlson, Director of the Braille and Talking Book Library, and Jim Denham, Director of the Assistive Technology Program - information and experiences will be shared to inform participants of the challenges and potential solutions for consumers with visual impairment. Current technology and real life anecdotes will both be reviewed.

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Sep 27 2012

The Five Best Distraction-Free Writing Tools

“As a person who makes his living by writing, I have to admit that writing is hard work. And what makes it even harder are the constant distractions in our workspace. I’m not talking about noisy children, complaining in-laws, and constantly barking neighbor’s dog (although they all distract!). I’m talking about the constant electronic distraction on our computer screen. The time indicator on the lower right, the calendar on top right, the file icons, and the short-cuts to various programs make it difficult to concentrate on the task in hand: writing. It’s especially hard when you are in midst of a serious case of writer’s block and find ways, rather opportunities, to get distracted to anything but writing.”

Read the full article on Technical Writing ToolBox.

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