“Appsolute” Productivity: Top 10 Apps for Business Professionals

Time: Thursday  03/29/2012  5:00PM-6:00PM

Place: Center for Marketing Technology (Morison 220)


Learn about the Top 10 apps for business professionals and increase your appetite for fun with FREE Food. If you are an app fan, come and join us!

For confirming a seat please RSVP.

You can also visit us on Facebook  or email us Joy(Xiaoxue Li) at [email protected]m

HubSpot: A Glance at the World of Inbound Marketing

Time: Thursday  04/12/2012  6:30PM-7:30PM

Place: LaCava 325AB, Bentley University


It Is Time To Alter The Way We Look at Marketing.

A Glance at the World of Inbound Marketing: An Interactive Session with the Experts of Inbound Marketing: Hubspot (www.hubspot.com)

Topics of discussion:

* Inbound marketing vs. Outbound marketing

* Search Engine Optimization – Rules, evolution and ways to cope with the dynamic web environment

* Blogging

* Web marketing analytics – What is truly optimum?

You can visit us on Facebook  or email Joanna Tsai at  [email protected]