About GSA
“To create a professional and social environment that promotes personal and professional growth for all graduate students; influence graduate school policies that enrich the graduate school experience socially, academically and professionally; and unify students in the commitment to build relationships that establish a strong network in the business world.”
You are a GSA member
The GSA is funded by the student activity fee. Any graduate student enrolled in at least one graduate class at Bentley University is automatically considered a general member of the GSA.
General members may participate in GSA sponsored activities and programs, including those organized by the sister organizations. They may participate in yearly board member elections and vote on any other special issues brought before them by the Board.
General members may consult with the Board to raise issues, concerns, questions, or ideas concerning graduate students.
Sister Organizations
The GSA currently has 12 Sister Organization; from professional organizations to those associated with the Concentrations and Focuses of the Graduate Student Body. They are listed to the right, with links to each of their websites.